
9.00 |
Registration |
Chairman Franco Carlini, journalist and writer |
9.30-9.40 |
Introduction Claudio Corbetta, Register.it S.p.A. CEO, DADA Group |
9.40-10.00 |
.EU, Economic Freedoms and Legitimate Rights: An Integrated Approach Olivier Hance, Legal Counsellor at the European Commission |
10.00-10.20 |
The introduction of the new gTLDs: competition and innovation Paul Verhoef, Vice President, Policy Development Support, ICANN |
10.20-10.40 |
ICANN and WSIS Stefano Trumpy, IIT-CNR, Italian Representative in the GAC, ICANN |
10.40-11.00 |
Best practices of the ccTLDs Registries Giovanni Seppia, CENTR General Director, "Council of European National TLD Registries" |
11.00-11.20 |
Coffee Break |
11.20-11.40 |
AHR: the Association Hosters & Registrar Gianluca Pellegrini, Chairman AHR |
11.40-12.00 |
.it domain names three months after the "liberalization" Franco Denoth, IIT-CNR, .it Registry Director |
12.00-12.20 |
Internet, Privacy and Data Protection Rocco Panetta, Attorney-at-Law |
12.20-12.40 |
Spam and virus Gian Carlo Ariosto, ISOC Italy Director and Manager of spam@isoc.it mailing list |
12.40-13.00 |
Q & A |
13.00-14.00 |
Lunch |
Workshop: Online Brand Management Chairman Franco Carlini, journalist and writer Introduction by: Claudio Corbetta, Register.it S.p.A. CEO, DADA Group |
14.30-16.30 |
Manfredi Ricca, Interbrand Italy Business Director What is brand and what is it for?
Patrizio Menchetti, lawyer in Milan and member of the Legal Advisory Board, Information Society Directorate General From domain to trademark and vice versa
Laura Turini, lawyer in Pisa, journalist and writer Internet domains and dispute resolution procedures
Gianfranco Vallana, CEO & Managing Director, Grey Synchronized Partners The three dimensions of brand
Silvio Sberveglieri, IT Manager SMEG Online Brand Management: SMEG case history
Emanuela di Pasqua, journalist and director of "Il marchio delle idee" When an online brand becomes a verb: "to google"
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